Thursday, April 06, 2006

Children... let them be

“We have brought you up; we know what is best for you!” Sounds familiar?

This is our parents’ mantra who have been where none of us have been before!

They know everything: whom we should marry, who is our actual best friend, when should we do something, when should we eat, what we should eat…

They want their children to follow the herd because they themselves had followed the herd! But they want their children to be the best!

They want their children to forever study something or the other because they never did it.

They never asked questions but always expect answers.

They failed many times but expect us to pass all the time.

They pass on all their expectations and dreams on to their children; they think that these are relay batons.

But life does not work so easy.

Children are gifted to parents, not born from them.

They are gods; parents make them humans.

They love making mistakes. They love to love.

They don’t know war from peace.

They are not behind life chasing some dreams which may not be fulfilled.

They live for the moment.

They know no fear.

They are Buddhas. They are in a constant state of flux.

They are flowers, not roots…

Like flowers, let them seek the sun, let them burn, let them pollinate, let them spread their own fragrance, let them wither, fall, and be born elsewhere.

Let them travel, let them be buried, let them float on rivers… let them be the source of another tree.

I will be a parent soon (in three years, I guess :-))… Let me be a child again.