Friday, September 23, 2011

Brahman and i?

Sarvam khalvidam idham Brahman.

  • Is it the primordial intelligence that exists within all of us?
  • Is it the communication that occurs between subatomic and atomic particles across physical distances?
  • Is it the spaces between matter? Is it the dark energy or anti-matter that exists between ‘things’ that make up matter?
  • Is it the cosmic play between matter and space and time?
  • Is it Mathematics: “If you subtract the infinite from the infinite, what remains is the infinite?”
  • Is it what makes us seek?
  • Is it the ‘ocean of milk’ in which Narayana was sleeping on Anantha Sesha/ Adi Sesha? Is it the awakening of Narayana and the simultaneous occurrence of Brahma’s birth? Is it Brahma asking: “Who am I?” and the consequent manifestation of the Goddess?
  • Is it adwaitham (One-Without-A-Second)?
  • Is it the similarity between: I am the way, and the truth, and the life (John 14:6); Ana al Haq; and Tat Tvam Asi?

La Ilaha Illallah.