Friday, September 23, 2011

Brahman and i?

Sarvam khalvidam idham Brahman.

  • Is it the primordial intelligence that exists within all of us?
  • Is it the communication that occurs between subatomic and atomic particles across physical distances?
  • Is it the spaces between matter? Is it the dark energy or anti-matter that exists between ‘things’ that make up matter?
  • Is it the cosmic play between matter and space and time?
  • Is it Mathematics: “If you subtract the infinite from the infinite, what remains is the infinite?”
  • Is it what makes us seek?
  • Is it the ‘ocean of milk’ in which Narayana was sleeping on Anantha Sesha/ Adi Sesha? Is it the awakening of Narayana and the simultaneous occurrence of Brahma’s birth? Is it Brahma asking: “Who am I?” and the consequent manifestation of the Goddess?
  • Is it adwaitham (One-Without-A-Second)?
  • Is it the similarity between: I am the way, and the truth, and the life (John 14:6); Ana al Haq; and Tat Tvam Asi?

La Ilaha Illallah.


Abhinesh said...

it is everything and nothing... within and without... it nowhere and now here... nice questions...

abhilash warrier said...

Yes, Sir. From your comment, it seems that even English language allows us to play with words just like Malayalam. :-)

Shanti said...

According to one website, it noted that the mahavakya, Sarvam Khalvidam Brahma, is in fact the last stage of man`s realisation. To realise what? To realise primarily that:
a) Brahman is real and that the world is unreal.
b) Brahman is one, without a second c) Brahman is the supreme knowledge.
d) That is what you are (e)that the Atman and Brahman are the same and finally that f) I am Brahman. With practice as one moves upwards it culminates with an explosion of awareness to the ultimate realisation, Sarvam Khalvidam Brahma Mahavakya, that is the entire universe is Divine which also includes our Self.

Basically Brahman is everywhere and exists within all of us.