Monday, August 13, 2018

The elusive hitchhiker


What's this often elusive emotion?

Is it that extraordinarily rare champagne? Or, is it that ordinary kadak chai you have everyday at a local tapri?

And in walks this feel... This unrequited love! Boy, doesn't it take the cake always?

The broken heart and the violin fall in love among pailful tears held back behind the welled up eyes.

The sore, croaky throats. The grey, gloomy skies. 

Wake up, sleep.

Boredom seeps in through every crevice on your skin, every crack of your breath.

You hear sirens wailing around. Sodium vapor lamps substitute daylights.

And like a car running on reserve, you trudge along. Till you devour the last drop of fuel.

Or, w/till you find a hitchhiker, who'll complete your journey?.