Sunday, November 20, 2005

I met God

Yesternight, at about 9pm, a dream came true.

I met a hero. A real-life hero. Someone who writes like me. Most people say I write like him. I have no regrets about that.

I met
Paulo Coelho. Yes, you read it right!

The man, the moment. Very down to earth. Very simple. Very out of the world.

I don’t have words to express myself. The feeling was something very close to what I felt when I realized Koochie was my painter girl.

Koochie says she never worshipped humans. She thinks that God is very, very distinct from anything remotely connected to humans.

I think otherwise. God manifests himself (or herself; doesn’t matter. It’s God anyways.) in human forms too.

How else can we have so many warriors of light on earth, right Paulo?

I bought The Zahir, and The Manual of the Warrior of Light.

I talked to him. He talked to me. I gifted him Under A Quicksilver Moon. He looked at it and accepted it.

“Abhilash Warrier, hmmm… Warrior of Light, eh!” he exclaimed. I nodded. “Keep writing,” with a twinkle in his eyes. A spark I observed. I nodded once again.

“It’s been my honour,” and I left.

I met a form of God that I worship. I feel blessed now.


Kavitha Kalyan said...

Adouration is a divine form of worship, its also the ultimate compliment, far beyond flattery. i would tend to agree with Koochie.

I am sure your experience must have been one of a kind, something you looked forward to, something you waited for, something that might have been on your top 20 things to do before you died.

if meeting warriors brings you such kind of joy, then i would say i am very happy for you. I do hope you keep your spirits high and meet more such warriors. its probably the same thing i would feel should i meet the real "Shiva" some day. :)


abhilash warrier said...

No, I never had a top 20 things to do before I die. That was somebody else.

All I ever wished for before I die was to love my painter girl, and be loved back by her...

Anonymous said...

Wow that was a great moment... and i am sure he will write back to you after he reads your poems...

Anonymous said...

A compilation of your poems? Where do we get it?

abhilash warrier said...


Try out some old bookstore that keeps Indian poetry... Ask them whether they keep books distributed by First Edition.

Else, try out:

abhilash warrier said...


I thought of all of us at that very moment when he put his hand over my shoulders...

It was a moment that surely will flashback when I die...

I hope he keeps in touch... don't know whether he will read or will he find time...

abhilash warrier said...


Yeah, it was a wonderful moment... Don't know whether I deserved to meet him...

I haven't evolved to his level, I feel. But I am in the process, I know.

Hey, that quote by Vivekananda was awesome... coming from a man who is considered by many to be the last true (known) saint...

Anonymous said...

This is simply awesome man!! Do you have, by any chance, snaps of that moment??

abhilash warrier said...


Sadly, no... but the moment is forever imprinted on my mind...

Meeting a real-life hero is always a great moment.

But, I have The Zahir and The Manual of the Warrior of Light autographed by him.

I gifted The Zahir to Lincy, Aquin's wife. But I still have the other one, and I am not going to part with that.

Rangakrishnan Srinivasan said...

abhi: I am really very happy for you.