Friday, January 19, 2007

Truth's more than you think

Written in response to a corporate e-mail sent by a big MNC:

That was such a brag of a mail full of corporate shit… can they send a mail saying what innovations have they given to the world? Pre-industrial revolution, great men, inventors, and thinkers gave the world directly whatever they had to offer. There were no fucking patents, no bonds, no “employees”.

As I see it, the corporate-world has killed individualistic thinking in the name of teamwork. All for the few bigger assess who earn all the profits… a few whiz kids get up on top and the remaining average workers are made to grind their assess off…

I mean, I want to know how much actual expenses are going to R&D by all corporations and how much time does it take for these innovations and inventions to come out.
Why don’t we still see an electric car? A solar powered world? Desalination plants? More windmills? I’ll tell you why. Vested interests.

Every corporate when its down or just started out desires free trade… but when it becomes a behemoth, it wants only a monopoly! Why?

Man, it all boils to profits. And GS in the mail has changed the perspective very well: all the NY employees together earn more than the CEO and the Vice CEO put together! Ha! Man, I was looking at it the other way: how much do those two asses make?

I hate unequal distribution of work. I am not a communist. I am neither a capitalist because humans were not made for working in companies. We were made to do/ make/ dream things together… the way like-minded individuals do and did.

Why don’t we see a single Leonardo da Vinci or a van Gogh or an Einstein working for any of the biggies? I bet you won’t too. Unless corporates start producing genius genes and start using them like they showed in the matrix! I am sure this will happen! “Corporate-adoption,” they will call it. In the name of this is very good for everybody, the society. They will have separate schools and specialized training et al! ready-to-use products for the CEOs who will play golf and have dinners and shit!


How I hate the world that corporates have made it into?


Gayathri Varma said...

Hi Abhilash,
how are you? this is to check if this post will appear in your blog. coz' my earlier attempts towards this endeavour have failed.

Gayathri Varma said...

Hi again,
Precisely when I wanted a break from the 'corporate hypocrites', i stop by your blog and get exactly what i was seeking.
As one drowns in the corporate world, it is natural to feel totally disillusioned and sick of the whole muck. Selfishness and greed rules the roost here and human emotions are totally trampled upon to achieve the fancy end of churning a lot of money.
While at it, I am reminded of the line, "Give me simplicity so that I may live."
Take care, bye.

Gops said...

Very true abhi

Seeker said...

Corporate life and work is a shame on Human intelligence.. The spirit inside us dies and we are just dead vegetable, an excellant photcopier, a mechanical robot... and all this in the name of corporate culture.. As long as human beings are considered a mere number, a head count and not as a somebody with passion and energy, things will not change... But abhi, my question to you is.. what are we doing.. why dont we make a difference and why the hell are we consumed in the inferno.. I bet you know the answer..

Manikandan AV said...

hey man!
your writing is irresistible...
i dunno how to explain about how am feeling...

i like your writing very much admiring...want to share a cup of coffee with you in a evening...and to listen some music...
do write more..
