Thursday, November 11, 2010

Just another day in paradise

It’s one of those days… When you hum a classic song sung in your mother tongue. No matter how much you think and write in English, it sometimes can never relate to your ‘native’ anguish.

Have been humming (trying really hard) Engane njaan urakkendu and Kaliveedurangiyallo..kalivaakkurangiyallo from Deshadanam since morning. Though there is some cathartic effect, the anguish does not break away. It keeps gnawing like a hungry rat trapped.

Just now, another song walked into the remote crevices of my godforsaken mind… Vaalkkanezhuthiya makaranilaavil maamboo manamozhuki from Paithrukum.

1 comment:

Shanti said...

Interesting contrast between the title of the post and the body. As for me, I will take the title.....and make...create each day to be a paradise.

We can make the days we have in our lives magical or otherwise....with His grace, of course.

So from today....we should live life positively..and make each day a paradise for yourself, for us and for others.

This can be looked at as a gift of love.