Wednesday, July 27, 2022

the extent of infinity

days have passed
the sun has risen and dipped
in place of the moon
yet, i haven't known the extent
of my love for you;
you haven't known the extent
of your love for me.

yes, you. 

you, of the color of the earth
for even flowers confuse you for
am just a-bee!

James Webb shows 
we're just markers on
rules set for us by time.
we had to collide:
even our briefest moment together
lasts the longest in our minds.

to spend a lifetime together,
you must want to spend an eternity
with yourself. 
And so like me, love yourself because of you
in me, me in you.

Like me, remove the walls around you
brick by brick
And let's watch love grow and 
bloom together:
in our once-solitary sanctuary.

let's catch the falling stars,
the distant galaxies,
and sprinkle them on all the stardust in our love,
while inside us,
we teleport
some magic,
some chaos,
and some poetry.

i hope to end
our life together,
like we started,
in truth.

May our love alone continue...
And, this poem too.

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