Friday, August 11, 2006

Just like that...

There is a lot you want to do; but most of all do nothing. Just sit idle by the windmill, slowly turning.

Sit by a river, and paint the world go by in the air.

Look into the black sky and think about which star came from where.

Look at the woman who's reading this and wonder where she was when I was in my school.

But, I think there are lots of "us-es" who never live the lives we want. Where really the head is held high and the heart sings without fear.

Where people never lie.
Where we don't know what is the truth. Because that is all there is.

Where love is lived.
Where a kiss is not considered to be "what are you doing in front of children?"

Where all the flowers from here have gone. Can we, one fine day, march hand-in-hand into such a place?

When I call, will you join me? Or, will you stay back?
This one life!

What do you do to want to be the person whom you want to be?

1 comment:

Shanti said...

This statement, "There is a lot you want to do; but most of us all do nothing," is absolutely right. Why do nothing? Probably it could be fear or the ego or just no time...all obstructions that stunt us.

Wonder how many geniuses are out there, waiting for a chance to bloom?

Wonder how many people are out there doing the things they do not love.

Wonder how many people are out there whose love is never realised?

For that, to do what one desires to do, one has to live one's own life on one's own terms!