Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Just two words...

"Have you reviewed these queries? I don’t think the first one is worth Tom’s time. I just requested you to send a consolidated list of screenshots that you require. And now you are asking for additional screenshots in query 2. "

This is an e-mail from an ass-ociate VP... Tom, the person mentioned in the mail, is the client. the mail is addressed to me in response to a query doc that i mailed.

Man, this ass has the balls to decide which query is worth the client's time. who is he to decide this?

and the second query in the doc does not ask for screen shots from the client; it asks whether we need to include some content... i guess, people who manage work should only 'manage' work. not try to work and decide things for people who really get the work done.

and the ass' e-mail does not even basic e-mail etiquette; i am sure he must have been through tonnes of training on e-mail etiquette and communication skills...

but, what's the point? he does not understand that the only way to keep external customers happy is to value your internal customers. This is the BIG point that most of the corner office white ass-lickers conveniently forget.

by the time, they learn the lesson, it may be too late.

For the tens reading this, for the thousands who go through this, and for the millions who relate to this, i have just two words for this ass: "Suck it!"


Aswin Kini said...

Dude! This was one hell of a post!!!
yes! you're right,"PEOPLE WHO MANAGE WORK SHOULD ONLY MANAGE WORK." I think we already have seen a person in our previous organizations who had got the balls to ask us to change this and that! Remember Godfather?????
I guess you associate VP is a step worser than him.

Anonymous said...

DX attitude in the office... so many a times i feel like doing it in the office and see what happens...

Gayathri Varma said...

hi abhi,
how are you? very busy with work? why are you so silent? no posts for a long time from you.
take care.

Aquin George said...

Where the hell are you dude!!!? Your cell doesn't work any more. You don't reply to my email. Call or SMS me when you can. BTW, Evening Post has shut down, and am jobless. I almost got a job in Emirates Today and that bastard Yazad stabbed me in the back. In case you have lost my no. it is +971-50-5045033... Chees Aquin

Anonymous said...

could we know the reason for you to stop blogging ?

Anonymous said...

yo y no blogs?

Anonymous said...

something has seriously gone wrong somewhere..hmm u stopped blogging !