Monday, March 08, 2010


Tamas and rajas dominate and direct my manas
When, not how, shall I attain sattva?

Is there a ‘when’ while I oscillate between the two?
Is the midpoint of my oscillation sattva?

Rajas and tamas obstruct sadhana.
How do I obstruct the obstructions?

How can I attain That?
When I say ‘I’ and ‘That’ together, my statement becomes falsehood.


Abhinesh Warrier said...

Did you write it... If so, very nice. It is so similar to Zen philosphy in a way as well...

Shanti said...

With God's grace, your nature might have changed by now..for it has been 2 years since you posted this. Dont' we all wish that of course. A Sattvic mind is the highest so its not possible for sattva to be in the middle, I believe.

To obstruct the obstructions ...hmmm guess you would need to reinforce the mind with the right type of reinforcements.

And I love your last line. It carries lots of weight.