Wednesday, November 09, 2011


The sunlight crept in and was trying to peep inside his bedroom. It was just another dawn of just another day.

Suddenly, his cell rang. He answered it. It was her call. She was calling him after what seemed like a long, long time to him.

She said, “I am sorry. Do you still love me?”
“I love you.”
“I love you too,” she replied.

He could hear a sigh of relief there and here. Then they started talking…

Now, everything is back to normal. They are together again: across the 1,000 miles that separate them, across the time that divided them. They talked about the temple, about their daughter, about their future ahead… just like old times.

Then he woke up. Felt sad and sat up cold like a stone. Alas, it was an early morning dream… Today morning, he dreamt of her.

Sigh. A thousand and eight sighs.


Sri said...

Each time I read your article, my key take away is 'Be crisp like he writes' :) Am trying and its a long long way....

What if it was a dream, it still is beautiful, magical and brought a smile:) Love the way it uncovers though!

sunshine said...

Although a dream...but for a moment seemed like a reality...that's what dreams are all about...

abhilash warrier said...


Writing crisp has come to me too after a long time.

Just wrote it the way it happened. Nice to know that it brought a smile to your face.


Hmmm... very valid point you have made there. Maybe this life is a dream after all. One fine day, I may wake up.

Shanti said...

This world is an illusion in itself and the only reality, as our Vedas have pointed out, is HIM/GOD alone. Strangely… when we feel/experience the pains from the various trials and tribulations that we go through in life, we question the meaning of life and the reason for one’s existence. However, when we experience bliss and happiness, the questions vary and some times no question at all arises as we hope and wish the momentary bliss/happiness will last forever. We either live in illusion or get disillusioned.

The actual truth is that, in both situations, the pain and happiness is not real. We are just going through/experiencing the consequences of previous actions or present actions. What we need to do is to wake up to the fact that we need to work at realizing that God is everywhere and that He is the One behind all.

In fact, to attain realization, one has to wake up.

Shanti said...

One person who writes in 'crisp' manner is i believe, Tarun Tejapl, who believes in writing the way he wants, without giving giving any concession to others.