Monday, December 17, 2012


Today evening, while lazing in the cold waters of the swimming pool at my bro’s place after few consecutive laps, I saw what I thought was art: a jet trail high above in azure skies, an eagle gliding and circling right below the trail, a small cirrus cloud hovering near the jet trail, seven coconut trees swaying in the breeze, and to complete this picture, a praying mantis awaiting its next meal by the pool side.

A still-life painting… of Life presented itself to my feasting eyes in a glance. A moment across time and space. I thought it would have been great, if Gopu was here to photograph this scene…

Meanwhile, before the previous thought could make its way out of my mind, another one played itself on the screen:
  • I am not a painter or sculptor.
  • You are my dance; I am the dancer.
  • What you see is me in creative motion; I do not exist separately from my creation.

Contented, I dipped into the cold water once again for my dance to continue.

1 comment:

Shanti said...

One of those moments, spoken from the depths of your heart. Beautifully expressed.

Only you will know and understand exactly the sensation and the feelings of those moments experienced.

Its an experience that cannot be replayed. To know it and to experience it, would be to enter into your mind.