Friday, June 01, 2018

On Intensity

"Intensity of love is similar in experience to devotion to that supreme power. Not in surrender but in knowing oneness. 

It also has an aching, a longing to have darshan of that other, to be with the other as much as possible. It's similar to the feeling of wanting to come back home no matter where you travel.

Thus, we experience dwaita and adwaita at the same time. In knowing this, we attain peace. Peaceful love."

She asked: "Why not surrender?"

"In surrender too, we experience two. I and the other. In oneness, both dissolves into the same ocean. Like two cells merging into a new one."


Ananda said...

The seeker dissolves into what he is seeking . What remains is the primordial essential oneness . That underlies the sound and light of the seductive world

abhilash warrier said...

Yes, when only the dance remains.