Monday, May 21, 2018

Healing with Hurt

Music moves us all. Even those that are deaf and blind. And they say, music has no language but we're not perfect humans. 

I am not. 

I was always biased towards Hindustani music, ghazals, and old film songs in Hindi, Malayalam, and to a certain extent, Tamil.

All that changed. One night with Varsha... Her choice of English songs and Western music is just like her passion in culinary skills, teaching, sketching, painting, and writing. Her versatility and range of music kind of covers an entire universe of artistes I never knew about. 

It all started with few questions like "Who are your top 5 singers in each genre and language?' and ended up with me loving Hurt by Johnny Cash. 

What a voice, what a feel... This is my new anthem. This is similar to all the Suzannes, River of Dreams, Bob Dylan, ghazals, and Bawra mann put together!

Listening together to world music, soft rock, and hard rock, with her pillow close to yours is something that I should've done long ago. Well, here's to more such musical and enlightening nights with my greatest love...

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