Thursday, August 11, 2005

Been to a flesh-market?

Yesternight, I had been to such a place. The Imperial Suites Hotel. Actually, the place is a pub. But works like a pick-up joint.

Eight pm. Entry fee: Dhs.50. Two complimentary drinks. So far so good.

You enter listening to heavy music by a live band on stage. Great. You settle down to have some drinks with your roomies. And then, one by one in came sex workers/ prostitutes/ hookers/ randis. Any nationality you want. Any size, any colour.

You can choose to call them by whatever name you want. I shall call them women.

And they come to you and ask you whether you want to play with them! I said a big no. And continued my drink.

However, my roomie’s friend, Christie, was a sad guy. He was a marketing manager for some air-conditioning company. Part-time, this guy also supplied call girls to clients… and the fucker knew all the women who came in there. He was married. Had kids too. And so was Somu, my roomie.

All the men treated these women as if they were commodities to be used and thrown. The women had outgrown any sense of shame or fear. I don’t think they even remember love or, for that matter, even lust.

This was an experience. So many fairytales they would have had to tell. Of all the faraway countries that they came from: Uzbekistan, Russia, Morocco, Egypt, Korea, Japan…

Bargaining and hustled laughters continued way into the night. Often, you will see the same woman going with a guy and an hour later going back with another guy…

Oh my god!

What is wrong with men?
Is love so hard to find?
Does sex mean lust?
Is lust to be satisfied in an instant with a stranger?
Is sex so cheap that you can buy it?
From any woman?
Anywhere, irrespective of a wife and kids back home who love and respect you so dearly?
What has this world come to?

They were women. Supposed to evolve and become a mother someday. A mother, you see, a mother. Something men can never be: naturally.

And they were for sale. For sale! Damn it!

To the highest bidder. They stood like mannequins, and no buyer respected them.


Rangakrishnan Srinivasan said...

Reminds me of "Eleven Minutes". Does the world of men necessarily involve those eleven minutes only.

"This was an experience. So many fairytales they would have had to tell."

Well, I really don't know if their tales of experience can be classified under "fairytales".

PS: btw, really surprised about the timing of this article. I had written on women recently.. :)

Anonymous said...

Abhi !!! I have been reading ur blogs ever since u pointed them out to me. Christie seems to be nice guy to know in case you are in Dubai ;-)

Anyways lighten up buddy !!

"What is wrong with men?"
Nothing. Men have been like this since time immemorial. Prostitution is the world's oldest profession. What is right ?? What is wrong ?? who is to judge that ?? Forcing women (and children) into prostitution, exploiting them, treating them like slaves, denying them the right to live their lives is definitely abhorrent, evil, despicable, as wrong as wrong can be. But what if they *choose* to do this ?? what if they have legal protection, rights, *empowerment*, in that case I dont think it is wrong (or right)

"Is love so hard to find?"
Yes, my dear friend. It is. Anyways, people are not looking for love there

"Does sex mean lust?"
Yes, when you are not in *love*
No, when you are in *love*

"Is lust to be satisfied in an instant with a stranger?"
You cant satisfy your lust in an instant with a stranger. It will leave you craving for more (trust me, I know ;-) )I guess it will never be satisfied. It will always be there unless you find *true love*

"Is sex so cheap that you can buy it?"
Apparently, Yes

"From any woman?"
From those who are ready to sell it

"Anywhere, irrespective of a wife and kids back home who love and respect you so dearly?"
Now this is a toughie, what makes a married man go to a whore inspite of having a loving wife and kids. I dont know, there could me many reasons, apart from the obvious reason that he is not satisfied (he wont be even if he goes outside), but maybe one reason could be that he loves his wife too much and he thinks that he should not do these things to the mother of his children, they are too impure. I think we need to think deeply about this before becoming too judgemental

"What has this world come to?"
Nothing yaar. It has been like this since the beginning. As I said earlier, lighten up, have a chilled beer and go to sleep.

Kavitha Kalyan said...

hi prashanth,

insightful to say the least. i have wondered too why men are so weak when it comes to refusing sex. it is interesting to note that they will never say "no" at least before marriage. Post marriage, its the guilt that drives them to saying the "no", should it be easy to get. I am not talking prostitutes here. prostitution is an extreme case, for in modern thinking, if a man didnt manage to get laid and ended up paying for it, he has to be a real loser.

I am taking women, a friend of yours for example, who might want to experiment with sex just for curiosity sake. thats where the main problem is.

If a guy has sex on the grounds of experiment, the word is "he scored". If a woman did the same, no way, she didnt score, she is something to be used maybe because she is easy to get, but she is definitely not the right person to want to get married to because the lady to marry wouldn't be this way(traditional indian thinking).

its a man's world, and they have taken every step to subdue women through the ages.
question here is do you want to take it for granted that men will be men and women need to learn to put up with them or do you want to question the integrity with which men would like to lead a principled respectful life in society?

guys? what say?

Anonymous said...

Hello Kavitha

It is Prashant without a trailing 'h'. I get that all time since i have moved to bangalore, it is the south indian way of spelling my name i guess :-)

"i have wondered too why men are so weak when it comes to refusing sex"
I think it is a biological predisposition, to take it more casually, more physical than being emotional (of course this varies from individual to individual). Fundamentally women are more attractive (in every way), it is easy for men to get attracted to women. On the other hand, physically, the male structure is inherently repulsive, which makes it very very difficult for women to get attracted to men easily, so you see it is easier for women to be monogamous :-)

I couldn’t agree with you more on the fact that there are double standards when we talk about ‘acceptable’ male and female sexual behaviour. For guys it is a matter of pride, I think it is also partly because girls too think that being a big flirt is kinda cool (feel free to correct me ladies), whereas if a girl is outgoing and willing to be open about her sexuality, she is promptly labeled as ‘easy’, ‘loose’ or a slut, not certainly ‘wife-material’ or the girl-you-can-take-home-to-your-mom types. This is true to varying extents all over the world.

So what do we do?? Take this situation for granted. I don’t think so. Question the integrity, be my guest, I would say, way to go!!!! I have already had a few drinks of Glenfiddich premium scotch so I should wrap up now ;-) before I become incoherent.

Last but not the least “if a man didnt manage to get laid and ended up paying for it, he has to be a real loser.” OUCH !!!! That hurt !!! :-)

abhilash warrier said...


All I know and have realized after 25 years of love is this:
"Love is all there is."

The world was a better place, Prashant. It certainly was. For that you have to travel across space and time... see the granduer, heritage, and tradition.

The wonder that once was India...

Heard stories about men of honour? Real men?

Real men will not trade for flesh even if it is legal and the woman opposite desires it. Because sex without love is not sex at all.

How can I explain? You have to be in love. You will understand it then. Your lover's orgasm in your arms, into your eyes, and the beat of her heart into your chest beats any beauty or pleasure that another woman can provide you. But for that my oldest friend, you have to be in love.

I think I can make the world a better place by not being a part of things that I think is wrong.

I know I may not be able to change the world. But I can look at myself in the mirror everyday and be proud of myself as long as I live.

One more thing, I know I may not be able to change the world. But poetry has. It still can. It will.

And when I have my koochie with me, together we can move mountains. Because we have the faith.

abhilash warrier said...


You are right. I too was reminded of the club in "eleven minutes"...

ranga, by fairytales, I meant all the tales they would have had to tell about their lands... when they were children... before their innocence was taken away by some lustful youth...

when they were sensuous in the real sense of the term... when they did dream about prince charming... and when they waited for him...

i was talking about fairytales... because they were fairies once upon a time...

and they surely have stories which may make you weak and me weep...

right? that is exactly what a fairtale is...