Monday, December 20, 2010

Behind the scene...

On a breezy, cool December afternoon, an Express train chugs out of Pune…

In the S5 compartment, among the many occupied seats, there is an unoccupied one. Curious passengers eye this seat wondering whether the passenger may board the train at the next station. Or better still, whether this seat is available!

After an hour or two, the TC hands the empty seat (and berth) over to a waitlisted passenger and makes some quick money out of it. This was a train ticket not cancelled…

The waitlisted passenger puts his feet up; he is happy. Perhaps, he was in a last minute rush and could not plan his journey. Maybe some untoward incident happened and he is trying to make it in time. And this time, he got lucky.

The TC and the seat-buyer thanked the passenger who did not cancel the ticket. There sure must be some story behind this, right?

You bet there is.


$h0unak said...

Life has its own strange logic, and coincidences are one of the most intricate yet elementary constructs therein.. :)

abhilash warrier said...


There are no coincidences. Just constructs in the mind. Patterns we think and make up.

But this story is not about what is told here... It was about why did a person book a ticket and not cancel it if and when he decided not to travel...

There is a story behind it. And that is for some other day. :-)

Shanti G said...

Agreed there are no coincidences in life. Everything in life is already mapped out by the Maker just like in the movies, whereby the scenes are already written. We have just to act out our respective roles. Thus, the person who bought the ticket was not meant to travel creating the 'opportunity' for the other person to take his seat. Que sera sera, whatever will be...will be.

abhilash warrier said...


Agreed. I shall tell you the story behind the scene when we meet next.

Just remind me.

Shanti said...

I came .....I left. What is the story?
Or did that too also pass?
Or was it meant for some other day?
Only the Maker knows. What was planned, many a plan did not unfold. Que sera sera :)