Wednesday, March 02, 2005

New friends in Chennai

It’s been almost two months since I came down to Sify e-learning, Chennai. Made quite a few friends here.

Saurabh, an ID from Delhi. He is my advisor on company policies and other such issues. He’ll tell stuff like don’t behave like this, like that. Don’t use the “f” word often. That boss is like that. Sify is like this. Welcome to sify and stuff. Helped me with house-hunting too! In many ways, he was the one who welcomed me to Sify and its ways! Thanks, Saurabh.

Priya, a confused, working woman. Has no sense of direction. Lives in Chennai since last seven years, but knows only T. Nagar. Before Chennai, she was in Chembur, Mumbai. That was a bonding factor. Was my non-intruding, mind-your-own-business neighbor (now, I have moved to the first floor from the seventh). Loves my finger rings. When she speaks over the phone, even the watchman and the receptionist can hear her loud and clear!

Hanif, a school teacher who writes well. But I don’t like the way he writes. BIG eight-letter words… but he is good man at heart. Very quiet. Very soft-spoken. Loves to have fun. Is open to new ideas. Loves to inspire his students. Is an excellent uncle figure.

Lakshmi, a quiet and shy woman. She has a two-year-old son, Adi, who gives her a stone everyday before she leaves for work. With us having chai and lunch in the canteen, she has shed lot of her inhibitions and laughs her heart out nowadays. She enjoys my company, I think. And we are friends.

Sridhar, a Bob Dylan fan. Crazy about Mark Knopfler. Loves American Beauty and Forrest Gump. Voracious reader. Is a dreamer and a wannabe Booker winner. When he walks, I feel he is cycling! Is a rebel in a tea cup! Didn’t need any more reasons for us to be friends.

Kavitha, a dynamic and awesome woman. Siva dances on her forehead. Siva is her motif, her belief, her hope, her everything. Is passionate about art history, temple architecture, sculptures, painting, and antiques. Loves mythology. Is a pucca rebel! An aghora in many ways! Is still a kid. Is an awesome writer; didn’t realize that though.

Sridhar, I think, she has a better chance at the Booker than us!


Sridhar said...


I guess a lot of people have a better chance at winning a Booker! I still feel my style is quite contrived and at 32, it's not a great feeling. A published poet at 23 and a writer with a unique style and a strong root in our culture at 29?

Do you really think I have a chance? Nah!

Kavitha Kalyan said...

he grew up! he is 25... he looks like a kid but anyway.

Sridhar said...

That 23 was intentional Kavitha. I only forgot an exclamation inside braces!

Sridhar said...

I had lied about the age of that unique writer with tantric leanings. She is actually 26 though she looks like 22.

I also realized that with these company, I'm getting younger too. Just don't know how many years I've lost so far.

Anonymous said...

ha!ha!ha!I liked dat abt hanif!