Monday, April 04, 2005

To Ranga on Chennai...

Good morning to you on a very sultry, humid, overcast Chennai afternoon...

How's the weather there? Yesternight, it rained in and around Chennai... Yesterday too, it rained...

Looks like the rain god has finally had his say in heaven… and the sun god is off on a vacation... at least for two days!

Meanwhile, as I am writing this, it's raining outside... accompanied by thunder and lightning! So you can imagine your hometown (yeah, Chennai is still a town!) in the rains...

Ranga, there is a tree behind our office building, which has managed to grow and peek into our seventh floor canteen! And it has flowered too!

Wide canopy and white flowers waiting to fall off when the smallest of rain drops land on it.

Ranga, the weather is hot but your town is warm.

This is the image of Chennai that I’ll carry with me when I go home… this and the drive along the ECR to Mahabalipuram!

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