Wednesday, February 10, 2016

You are that

You're that look, which explains everything at the end of a love story.
You're that cup of coffee that makes friends out of strangers.
You're that silence, which is deafeningly loud, in its absence.
You're that artiste, who can stir up a dead man's soul.
You're that candle, which lights up the balcony for a first date. 
You're that shredded sky with cirrocumulus clouds that makes a sunset unforgettable.
But more than all that, you're that rare book, which I always wanted to read. Lay my hands upon. In the cottonesque rectangle of my room when I am reading you cover to cover, page by page, you listen to my stories. When I inhale your pages to get a whiff of that old-world, second-hand fragrance from your pages, you gift your words to me. 

I hold my breath and I know that, like me, you're that too. Ta Twam Asi.

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