Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Today… such a day

Today, another one stands


Like I did.

Today, another one takes

His first step.

Today, another mad man

Knocks your door

For water.

Today, another life

Withers away.

Another way.

Today, another one

Feels lonely like me.

Today, life takes a

New turn.

Another leaf falls away

From my tree.

Today, another orphan is born.

Another made.

Today, another four-year-old goes

To school.

And cries.

Today, another me

Writes Today.

Like Yesterday.

Today, another bridge collapses.

Another crosses one.

Today, I plant a tree.

A thought.

Another plants a flag in the breeze.

1 comment:

Shanti said...

Today is and will never be like any other day. Why? Becos' it is 1 JAN 2013. It feels good. But factually, each day, each hour, each minute and second is different and unique.

As each second passes, all living things become a second older. We change physically, physiologically, emotionally each passing second or minute.

Nevertheless as time passes and the body fails eventually, spiritually and mentally, we must always rise.

Thus, in the end, what is left is the mind. Thus the condition of the mind and its focus is most important and that awareness we must have always -- constantly.