Monday, February 28, 2005

Why I write?

Many-a-times, random (habit picked from Kavi) people have asked me a very fundamental question: why do you write?

Most of the times, I squirm out without giving an answer. This blog is an attempt to answer that question.

I write because I vent my feelings.

I write because when I write, I realize.

I write because there is nothing that gives me more pleasure.

I write because I express my love.

I write because I love.

I write because I get hurt.

I write because I want to be published.

I write because I think some publisher somewhere will wake up to this unknown genius.

I write because it is what makes me a man.

I write because I do nothing else better.

I write because if it wasn’t for writing, I wouldn’t have survived my poetry, my loves.

I write because I can’t sleep.

I write because women love it.

I write because seeing me write someone somewhere may begin writing.

I write because I get to meet up with new people.

I write because now my brother writes too.

I write because I reach out.

I write because some day someone will say, “Thank you!”

I write because some day someone will say, “I want to be like you!”

I write because I have to come up the hard way.

I write because I love her.

I write because I dream.

I write because I don’t know which line of mine can inspire someone somewhere to lead a life anew, afresh.

I write to leave my legacy behind. And, nothing else matters. Nothing else makes my existence worth it.

1 comment:

Shanti said...

This post was made 7 years ago. Looking back at it, contemplate and see what you feel now. Perhaps now you may have evolved in how you think, the way you write, for whom you write and what you write on. Seven years back you seem to have written for yourself. Perhaps, now you can write to share, to guide, to teach and to give to others. It is just the other side of the coin and gives a whole new platform for one to perform. All the best to you. May God bless and guide you always :)